Before you actually start working through your Cash Flow Statement and watching the videos for the workshop, Go through this document and fill it out first. This will help you create a plan that will make sense and help you grow your business during 2021.
2021 Embroidery Business Planning Workshop
Video: Morning Session
During the morning sessions, we went over the top part of the Cash Flow Statement. This is a slightly different approach to creating a plan for the year, but when you know exactly what all of your expenses are for each month of the year, it is going to make it easier for you to create a plan that actually works. Download the Documentation and the Cash Flow Statement to work with.
2021 Cash Flow Statement
2021 Planning Workshop
Video: Afternoon Session
During the afternoon session, we finished the Cash Flow Statement. Then we went on to create the rest of your plan for 2021 to map out what you need to be able to bring in the dollars that you need to make your plan work.