Let Us Help You Build A Successful Embroidery Business Without Frustration or Struggle Using Our
Proven EBA System!
Thrive/Platinum Level

If You Are Frustrated and Want To Build A Successful Embroidery Business Without The Struggle, Read This Very Carefully!
I know how frustrating it is to get your embroidery business started! We can help! It took me a long time and a lot of mistakes before I finally figured out how to build a successful embroidery business. The fact is you are not alone!
“Here Is A Sample Of What You Can Expect In Our Online Video Training Program!”
Video: Re-hooping Embroidery Garment – It Fell Out Of The Hoop
In this video, I show you how to repair a sweatshirt that fell out of the hoop before it was finished with the embroidery. This could have been a ruined sweatshirt, but I was able to line it up perfectly and complete the embroidery. I go through the entire process and show you exactly what to do to make this happen. An embroidery problem like this can happen at anytime! You must be prepared for it.
“Give Me 30 Minutes a Day and I Will Show You How You Too Can Build a Successful Embroidery Business!”
My Team And I Have over 85 Years Combined Experience In The Embroidery Industry And I Alone Have Over 40 Years Of Experience …And For 20 Of Those Years, I Owned A Large Multi-Head Embroidery Shop. We Have The Experience To Help You Succeed!
I am Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach, an expert in Embroidery Business Training, and currently have the longest-running Embroidery Coaching Program on the Internet.
As a former owner of a profitable embroidery business, I am now in the business of helping you build a successful embroidery business or help you take your current embroidery business to a higher profit level. I have spent the past two decades helping embroiderers succeed in getting started and increasing their profits. Embroidery can be a very lucrative business when you have the right systems, approach, and tools in place!
My goal as The Embroidery Business Coach is to help you build a sustainable, profitable business that provides high-quality embroidery to your customers. By providing guidance and support in key areas such as pricing, marketing, and quality control, I can help YOU achieve your goals and grow your business. We Can Help You Succeed!
Building An Embroidery Business Is Not Easy–We Help YOU! Don’t Go It Alone!
It can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time! There is so much to do, so much to learn and so many areas to prepare for before you can even open the doors for business!
You have your machine, you even know how to use it. You’ve started your Embroidery Business…but you’re having some problems. I have noticed a TON of obstacles that can absolutely sink an embroidery business before it ever gets started! There are days when it seems like everything can and does go wrong!
Simple Step by Step Instructions For Embroidery Repairs!
I give you simple step by step instructions on how to repair those horrible mistakes that we all try so hard to avoid! Unfortunately, everyone makes a mistake now and then, but you need to know how to save those expensive garments when they occur! Repair any mistake instead of starting from scratch!
These videos alone are worth hundreds of dollars. The amount of money saved on one garment alone will easily pay for at least one monthly membership!
Video: Restitching Embroidery Design In The Same Location
In this embroidery training video, I show you how to restitch the embroidery design in the same exact location on the garment that the previous design was embroidered. You must line up the marked lines with the registration marks in your embroidery hoop as you are hooping your garment. When you put it in the machine you will also line up the needle with the lines in the hoop.It is very important to know how to repair any type of issue in your embroidery designs.
“World’s No. 1 On-Line Video-Based Professional Embroidery Training Website Will Teach You Quick Embroidery Tips And Proven Embroidery Techniques!”
With my very comprehensive on-line Video-Based Embroidery Training Website, I teach you quick tips and proven Embroidery Techniques to help you get started immediately in your embroidery business. These videos are available to help you with whatever issue you are facing, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
I share my insider secrets from nearly 40 years of experience that you can’t find in any classroom. What this means to you is less trial and error! I once had a teacher tell me that “Smart people learn by their mistakes, but Smarter people learn from other people’s mistakes!” That is what I want for you! There is no reason for you to go through what I did, you can learn and profit from my mistakes!
Meet One Of My Students!
Howard received the “Top Shop” award from “Stitches Magazine” in February of 2014.
Meet Howard & Amanda Potter of “A & P Master Images”. Howard & Amanda started working with me 12 years ago when they first started their embroidery business which has gone from $0 to over $1,500,000 and this year will be even better! They started the business in their home and have moved their business into their own building and are getting ready to expand again! Howard received the “Top Shop” award from “Stitches Magazine” in February of 2014.
They have gone on to received many other awards since then! They continue to grow and prosper each and every year! Howard is now able to take his wife on their own special getaway at least once per year!
I can’t imagine running our business without Joyce and her coaching business!
I can honestly say I don’t know what we would have done without Joyce Jagger and her Embroidery Coach website and videos. We became members when we first started our business and quickly saw that it would benefit us greatly to become Lifetime members. We have watched all of her videos! Whenever we have a question we go there first and if we can’t find the answer we e-mail her. She is always so quick to respond, even calling us while waiting in an airport. The Embroidery Coach is such a valuable resource and I can’t imagine running our business without Joyce and her coaching business! Thank you, Joyce!
Increase Your Productivity, Decrease Machine Errors, Increase Monthly Income!
I couldn’t believe that there was someone out there that HAD THE ANSWERS ALL IN ONE PLACE!
One day I was on the internet looking for embroidery information and happened on Joyce. I couldn’t believe that there was someone out there that understood everything I was going through and HAD THE ANSWERS ALL IN ONE PLACE! I called Joyce and she called me back the same day. I literally was in tears that I had found the person that understood and could help me with my embroidery business. She has been there done that and mastered it ALL. I immediately signed up to be a Gold Member and starting watching the videos.
Joyce is a very gifted teacher! I have learned to hoop better, maintain my machine properly, fix thread tension so now my machines run better (so many less thread breaks), and use the correct backing and needles. I have followed Joyce’s lessons and now my jobs run smoothly! With my new found confidence and knowledge I am ready to move my business forward. I am now ready to grow my business and with Joyce’s help, I know that it will happen.
Are You Working Way Too Hard In Your Embroidery Business,
But Not Making Enough Money?
We Have The Information And Systems To Help You With
Easy To Understand, Step By Step Instructions!
We Help Embroiderers Succeed!
Your Videos Make It Very Easy To Train My New Machine Operators! They Are A Huge Time Saver!
View The Membership Levels And Select The One That Is Right For You!
Get Started TODAY!
You Cannot Afford To Wait Another Second To Get Started If You Want
The Same Type Of Results That Many Of My Other Students Are Having!
Increase Your Organizational Skills, Increase Your Productivity, Increase Your Monthly Income!
Joyce has helped me learn new skills, inspired me to reach beyond my comfort zone, and showed me how to add value to our business.
When I first started my embroidery business, I didn’t know where to turn for answers to my questions. But I’ve found you to be a terrific coach – so helpful with usable solutions. Whether I have a question about embroidery, how do I do this or why did this happen? I can come to you for answers promptly when I need help and an answer.
When I have a question about marketing, you have solutions at the level that I can implement. When I have a question about shop layout & organization, you have solutions that work. There have been times that I think that I don’t need XXX in my business. But I watch the training and I find that I do need XXX and just didn’t realize it and I know how I can implement it!
I highly recommend Joyce Jagger as The Embroidery Coach. Joyce has helped me learn new skills, inspired me to reach beyond my comfort zone, and showed me how to add value to our business. I don’t know any place that you can get so much that is so useful!
Get Started Today-Move Your Embroidery Business To The Next Level!

The Embroidery Coach Guarantee!
“Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee” If you aren’t 100% satisfied within 30 days – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. That means you can’t lose, no matter what!

A Few Of The Many Clients We Have Worked With…